
healthy (?) brownies

Well in an extremely productive mood. How I don’t know! But I’ve been capitalizing on it!

Elk meatloaf is in the crockpot and cooking. Dinner check.

I need ALL the dishes. That’s kinda a big deal I hate doing dishes! And we have no dishwasher anddd our hot water runs out after like three dishes so it takes ages. Anyway all done, its taken all day but that ok.

My goals this week are to have no dishes in the sink when I go to bed and do a load of laundry every day!

Ok so brownies! Got sidetrack. Dallas wants brownies, I love to bake so that’s not an outrageous desire.

I’ve seen on Pinterest, yea I’m into that like all other women on this planet, brownies with diet. I did my research and apparently they taste just as good with 70 less calories!

So the experiment is on. Fingers crossed they taste good they look normal?


**ok they taste fine, more cakey then brownie!

we workout

I am a big believer in being fit and healthy, but I have an inner chubster who I often give in to.

My solution exercise. Simple enough. The days I eat excessively I work out. You have to find what works for you. A crash diet isn’t going to give you long term results.

It’s about making lifestyle choices. I would love to eat clean all the time, but I love fast food!

For the new year I am going to work on eating better ! Tonight me and me taj did a mini work out 🙂


Cutest work out partner ever !